Inside every photography studio there are various pieces of equipment to help make the best images possible. I am a one-man publishing house and over time, sold off or donated equipment as a way to minimize what I need to create the maximum results.
This website is designed, built and maintained by me, Chris Denbow. All images are originals and all rights reserved. is published with a variety of photography equipment, computer hardware, and software that changes constantly (although, I think I am content for now.)
On this page you find an up to date list of all the gear I use. This includes everything from cameras and accessories. I prefer to be very minimal but invest in high quality items. All these products help me to live a simple photographic life, travel endlessly, photograph, create videos, and run my own in-house publishing studio. It has taken me a very long time to save and invest in the below items.Software
I like to compare the software I use as tools that would be similarly used in a photo darkroom. I try and keep things minimal and simple. Every program I use has a specific purpose.
Adobe Lightroom (Main Photo Editor / Library)
Pixelmator Pro (Backup Photo Editor)
Affinity Publisher (Design Work)
iMovie (Video Editing)
VSCO- Visual Supply Company (Film Emulation / social media)
Hipstamatic X (Film Emulation / social media)
Cosmos (Inspiration Board)
Citymapper / Alltrails / Footpath / Tide Pro / OS Maps (Travel Apps)
Photo Pills (Sun Tracker)
Apple Calendar / Reminders / Notes / Mail (Productivity)
Apple Pages / Numbers (Accounting & Admin)
Camera Kit
The gear you see below can pretty much cover 99% of all photo and video needs one might have as a minimalist photographer. From ultra wide landscapes to wildlife and everything in between. The iPhone 15 Pro Max is my main workhorse photo and video camera after selling my DSLR and mirrorless cameras. Most of my videos are filmed on it and most of my digital photography is done on this camera. It acts as my everyday carry camera as well as a backup to the Ricoh. It is smaller, lighter and less conspicuous. Everything else is used for casual, shoot-from-the-hip photo opportunities.

Ricoh GR "Black Brick"

Canon Rebel T6

Kodak Ektar H35

Fujifilm Instax


Minolta 110mm

Canon 110mm